onsdag den 30. maj 2012



hey guys <3
wanted to make at little post about STRONGER. I think that all of you now the song, "STRONGER,What dosen`t  kill you " it is a genius line because it is so true I have survived being bulliet for many years to lose my father 5 months ago so I have been through alot but I am so much stronger now and I think that if you look your fears and weaknesses in the eyes and admits them they will only make you stronger and this is about fashion but fashion is confidence is is confidence.


onsdag den 9. maj 2012

hey guys it`s me T, again.

This is simply fashion in a bottle. CocaCola have been making some new CocaCola light bottles and they have been cooperated whit Jean Paul GAULTIER, I think that they are genius and so pretty I just love them <3
before Jean Paul GAULTIER, Karl Lagerfeld made some pretty cool bottles too take a look
